“I can’t wait for the awakening this book is about to bring to my life.”
“Thea this is the best book I have ever read, filled with the Holy Spirit. Right away the chains started to break over my life…
Thank you for sharing this gift from our Lord Jesus. It is so anointed. May you continue to write many books.”
“I have incorporated this book in my daily devotional. Your words speak to me.
Came at a great time when I needed additional guidance. Thanks”
“This book is going to be a blessing in my life in so many ways, and to so many people in my life.
Lots of family/friends will be getting a copy from me for Mother’s Day!!! My highlighter has been working nonstop…”
“The information in your book (Pour the Oil) is so significant, it’s like life and death to some people. They need it.”
“Your book is incredible! I flipped through it and couldn’t put it down and now I’m going through it again. It’s revealing a lot to me.”
“This book is like food to me.”
“Sis, your book has been such a blessing. When I started reading, it was like a dagger to me.
It was like looking in a mirror and — Oh my goodness — but as I continued to read the oil was applied and it began to soothe every wound.
This book was written for such a time as this.”